Check Now! APPSC Group 3 Results 2024. Andhra Pradesh – PSC (AP) Group- III Screening Test Cutoff Marks & Merit List Available to check and download For panchayat secretary grade IV Posts at
APPSC Group 3 Results 2024
What's in this Article ?
- 1 APPSC Group 3 Results 2024
- 2 Group- 3 Screening Test Result 2024
- 3 APPSC Group 3 Screening Test Result 2024
- 4 Andhra Pradesh PSC Group III Cutoff Marks 2024
- 5 Group- III Services Screening test Cutoff Marks 23.04.2024
- 6 APPSC Grade IV Panchayat Secretary Group 3 Result 2024
- 7 APPSC Group- III Services Merit List & Result Date 2024
- 8 Group- 3 23.04.2024 Result-Cutoff Marks-Merit List
- 9 Official website:
Andhra Pradesh public Service commission is a state organization which recruits aspirants from the various department under the state itself. it is popularly known as A.P.P.S.C and it conducts various written tests such as Group I, II, III, and IV services. aspirants those who qualify the eligibility criteria of each process tend to apply for it and then appear in the said written test. this time organization has conducted group – III services screening test which is based on multiple choice questions (MCQ’s). OMR sheets were provided to candidates and they were only required to tick an answer which they think suits the most. basically, we provide APPSC Group 3 Results 2024 updates with its respective Group- III Screening Test cutoff Marks.
APPSC Group III Panchayat Secretary Grade IV Result 2024 (Declared Now) | LINK – 1 (Active)(Direct Link) | Link – 2 (Active) |
APPSC Group 3 Mains Admit Card 2024 Download
so aspirants could check their performance in the paper and then check its cutoff and see whether they are coming in it or not. this process included categories such as General, Scheduled castes, Other backward classes and Scheduled tribes. this service paper was preliminary paper. near about 50,000 young aspirants appeared for it. now those who couldn’t appear because of they did not receive their admit card, wrong filling up of the application form or they did not carry their respective hall ticket with one ID Proof to the examination hall.
APPSC Group 3 Mains Exam Date 2024 Check Now !! Group- 3 Screening Test Result 2024
- Org/Department Name: Andhra Pradesh Public Service commission (APPSC).
- Name Of the Examination: Group III Services written test.
- Type of the Examination: Screening test based on MCQ Questions.
- Duration of Exam: 2 hours of time allotted.
- Syllabus: General Knowledge, History, Political Science, Geography, Science Subjects (Physics, Chemistry, Biology), English, Mathematics up to elementary level, Quantitative aptitude, reasoning knowledge and current affairs.
- Classes Appeared in Examination: graduates from various fields such as BA, BCom, BSc, BTech, BBA, BBM and other graduation and post graduation courses.
- Date of Exam: 23rd May 2024.
- Date of Result Announced: Released Now.
APPSC Group 3 Mains Hall Ticket 2024 Download
APPSC Group III Panchayat Secretary Grade IV Result 2024 (Declared Now) | LINK – 1 (Active)(Direct Link) | Link – 2 (Active) |
Screening test results for Group-III Services (General Recruitment) Notfn No: 29/2024.” – Note: Dear Users, As we are experiencing high no. of visitors, Group-III (Notfn No: 29/2024) screening test results has been disabled temporarily. However the same will be resumed shortly.
APPSC Group 3 Screening Test Result 2024
Andhra Pradesh Public Service commission (APPSC) group- III Services examination took place on 23-Apr-2024 in the complete state as a name of the screening test. this was a preliminary examination. those aspirants will clear this paper will be allowed to sit in mains examination. after mains paper aspirants shall be required to go for an interview then final merit list will be made and created list will be of aspirants who will go to join the services. now, People have searched it many times regarding APPSC Group 3 Screening test Results 2024, that is why we have created this page so candidates could get proper knowledge when is APPSC Group-III Cutoff Marks are going to announce and when will be the time the final merit will be displayed.
Andhra Pradesh PSC Group III Cutoff Marks 2024
APPSC Group III (Cut Off Tentative Basis) | |
Category Name | Cutoff Marks |
Unreserved/ General (U.R./ Gen) | 75% scores to 80% scores. |
Other Backward Classes (O.B.C.). | 70% scores to 76% scores. |
Scheduled Castes (S.C.). | 60% scores to 63% scores. |
Scheduled Tribes (S.T.). | 55% scores to 60% scores. |
APPSC Group III Screening Test Cutoff Marks 2024
So The young candidates who are waiting to check their respective APPSC Group- 3 Cutoff Marks shall check it on expected line provided by us. as we have displayed above in the table that for general candidates they are required to score about 75 to 80 marks to go through this screening test for mains paper. then OBC Aspirants need to get 75% of marks. now, SC and ST students will have to score 65% and 60% respective to have a good chance of clearing this paper.
Group- III Services Screening test Cutoff Marks 23.04.2024
Total marks | Total Persons Required |
130 points – 150 points. | 300 Candidates. |
120 points -130 points. | 2000 Candidates. |
110 points -120 points. | 5000 Candidates. |
100 points -110 points. | 8000 Candidates. |
90 points -100 points. | 13600 Candidates. |
85 points -90 points. | 20220 Candidates. |
Total required Aspriants | 49100 Candidates. |

APPSC Grade IV Panchayat Secretary Group 3 Result 2024
Sl.No | Name of District | General | Women |
1. | Srikakulam. | 43 vacant seats. | 26 posts. |
2. | Vizianagaram. | 38 posts. | 18 vacant seats. |
3. | Visakhapatanam. | 72 vacant seats. | 36 posts. |
4. | East Godavari. | 68 posts. | 34 vacant seats. |
5. | West Godavari. | 54 vacant seats. | 22 posts. |
6. | Krishna. | 28 posts. | 12 vacant seats. |
7. | Guntur. | 58 vacant seats. | 25 posts. |
8. | Prakasam. | 26 posts. | 17 vacant seats. |
9. | Nellore. | 72 vacant seats. | 36 posts. |
10. | Chittoor. | 77 posts. | 42 vacant seats. |
11. | Kadapa. | 50 vacant seats. | 21 posts. |
12. | Ananthapur. | 63 posts. | 31 vacant seats. |
13. | Kurnool. | 57 vacant seats. | 29 posts. |
Total | 1055 vacant seats. |
The Results Regarding Screening test for Group-III Services held on 23/04/2024 is published today on the website of the Commission. Candidates can examine the official cutoff marks @ So Aspirants those who appeared in executive and nonexecutive posts under 3rd group examination held on 23-04-2024 are required to see whether they are coming under official APPSC Group 3 Results 2024 provide by us on an expected basis through various website data and analysis of previous years.
If there are any objections, they may be sent in the written format available on the website of the Commission. Objections through any other mode like email, SMS, Whatsapp etc., are not allowed. people searching to check online regarding APPSC Group 3 Results are also required to check whether it is released or not. because it takes around 2 to 3 months to release official result by any govt. org. Vague objections and also objections without quoting Question ID as given in key would not be entertained. The objections would be received till 07/03/2024. Late objections would not be entertained. APPSC is not responsible for postal delays.
APPSC Group- III Services Merit List & Result Date 2024
In the year 1963 Government of Andhra Pradesh brought out regulations called “Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission Regulations” vide G.O.Ms.o.489, G.A.D, Dated:23/04/1963. So Now Aspirants can note down that the examination which successfully been conducted among 50,000 aspirants from complete Andhra Pradesh through public service commission. the official answer key has been released online on on 28th May 2024. it has been said the solutions which are released by the organization are completely official and they have no concern with solutions provided by any coaching institute etc.
These regulations were based on the Madras Public Service Commissions Regulations 1950, ad-hoc regulations issued for the year 1954,1956 & 1957 by the Andhra Government and the Hyderabad Public Service Commission Regulations 1952. Therefore those who are looking to check their respective APPSC Group- III Screening Test Exam Result must check their respective merit list which is displayed in tabular form on the 5th or 6th heading of exam league.Regulations specify the composition of the Commission, conditions of service of Chairman, Members, and other staff. They also specify scales of pay, matters in respect of which Commission shall be consulted and matters in respect of which Commission shall not be consulted. It also indicates services under the purview of the Commission to make appointments through direct recruitments.
Group- 3 23.04.2024 Result-Cutoff Marks-Merit List
U.R. Category. | 75 Marks to 81 Marks. |
O.B.C. Category. | 71 Marks to 76 Marks. |
A.S.M. | |
U.R. Candidates. | 68 Marks – 72 Marks. |
O.B.C. Candidates. | 66 Marks – 69 Marks. |
How to Check Andhra Pradesh Public Service commission Group- III Services examination held on 23, May 2024 (Sunday) Result and cut off updates have been provided on this web page. aspirants are required to follow up given steps below to check their respective Group III Result officially from Basically, we always tend to provide most easy steps to candidates so that they could not have any kind of problem while checking their Andhra Pradesh Group 3 Services Cutoff Marks. So this time also there are near about 5 to 7 steps given below. candidate please check each and every step and enquire about their merit list now.
- Candidates Can Goto the Official Website.
- or Click the Direct Link here online at
- Then on the Homepage go to Notification/Announcement Link.
- Click on the AP Group- 3 Screening test 2024 Result Box.
- Click on the Specific Group- III Services Screening Test 23.04.2024 Result you Want to Check
- Put Up your Roll Number in the Box.
- Put Date of Birth If Required.
- Click on Submit/Check APPSC Group 3 Results 2024 Link.
- Download the Andhra Pradesh Group 3 Cutoff Marks or Can Take Print out for Reference.
Bookmark this page for Further Information Regarding your Respective APPSC Group 3 Results & Merit List Updates. Candidates Are Requested to Bookmark by using (CTRL+D) of your Web browser.
sir.iam gunturdistric.44.63 fist result qualify but second time result not qualify i stragully sir.i get main exam prepration. Sir please main exam qualify please sir replay sir
sir this is dist is vishakapatnam but east godhavari ani result how to change my local dist pls reply me sir..
Sir…. Previously I saw the results..on that time I qualified exam… But I received message not qualified in the exam inKrishna dist……please clarify my doubt….
that is because they updated the cutoff marks ..
Pls sent my result to phone no -8106417135
H:T no 290719149
I lost my phone number so pls sent OTP I’d to my new pH no is 8106417135
dear sir, i wrote group3 screening test on 23-4-2017 but i could’t receive my results for my phone number
sir,my residence in west mistake exam centre select in east godavari.and i wrote screening test in east godavari.east godavari cut of marks 43.96,but i got 42.61.i am qualified in results,but i got message not any possibility to write main exam.
I got 82 marks
I am from kurnool .BC.B. MArks 45.3. I qulyfai or not
My disitic is kurnool community bc.b I got 45.3 marks in Pancvaty Secretary exam.please tell me I am qalifay or not.
Sir my sim 9701864644 blackd 66 marks pass or filed east godavarry
Sir my sim 9701864644 blackd 66 marks pass or filed east godavarry
sir my marks 38 may be next chance
my contact no7386903580
please tell me anybody wrote panchayathi secreatary exam in guntur in govt women junior college please tell me your hall ticket number then i will cross check myhallticket
Sir I lost my hall ticket number plz help me to get the results pls sir
Hi sir my markes 41.63 so I am pass or fail
Nenu Nellore lo exam rasanu kani naa local ongole ippudu cut off naaku ea dist untubdhi
Chutiye 49100 group 2 di Ra appudu kuda 74 vachindi Ra puke ippude
Sir 42.5marks qualify yes or not
Sir…when do the results of group3 declared???if declared plz update the link or reply me with the link!!
Thanks in advance!!
Sir results inka pettaledu
Sir i have 44 marks in group3 I have any chance My district Kurnool
prakasamdist panchayatsecretoryscreningtest
iamquilify are notplease tllme
Sir please. Group 3 screening test result mark on this mail I’d I qualify or not
Sir please. I got 63 marks in group 3 screening test I qualify or not place. Send msg.
Pakka qualify… Start preparation for mains
Naku 43 marks vachai vsp distct ki cutoff entha vundavachu nd result epudu vasthundhi sir
I got 46 marks does I qualify for mains
I got 61 marks plz tell me qualify or not
I got 63 qualify or not
Sir I got 102 marks. Is any chance to qualify from kadapa plz reply
Oore chutiye nee Moda vachintai 102 lavde ga yeni attempt chesavu chepu Ra
Sir I got 42 Iam from kadapa is any chance 2 mains
SIR Please Group 3 Scrning Test Result
mam i got 32 in screening test kadapa qualify or not
I got 69 marks in group 3 ,I qualify r not for mains ,plz tell me.
Sir i am from anantapur dist i got 49marks in group3 how many marks for cut off
I got 47 marks in group3 screening have any chance qualify the exam
When was grp3 prelims result plse tell me
Sir I got 54.33 marks in Kadapa….is any possibility to eligible for mains exam?
No one can predict cutoff after Group 2 released their cutoff and depends on scores of candidates and the 1:50 ratio
nellore district ki 100 pina posts unnai kabatti cut off (35-45) undochu. cut off enka thagochu.because paper was difficult. group2 lo 100 marks vachina vallaku group3 lo 50 marks vachai.
Sir….. please reply me I got 41 Mark’s on screening ….. I’m qualified r not …. I’m belongs to east godavari
sure you will get
I got 53,cut of marcks entha cheppandi
I got 43 in chittoor female am I qualify
dont worry mains ki prepare avu i am also chittor 9948485867 any doubt cal me
I got 38.8 but nenu qualify avutana.please tell me
Sure u got
i got 37 in screening test,nellore dt.,i qualify or not for mains
ippude ne result chusanu. qualify.
party eppudu .
Nenu xam Nlr lo rasanu kani naa local ongole naaku ea dist cut off chustharu
Results has been released. link has been updated kindly check above.